November 30, 2023

The value of knowledge generation in environmental sustainability

We spoke with Dr. Silvana Vargas, director of the DARS, about the importance of research and the challenges it poses for environmental sustainability.

In the contemporary academic field, environmental sustainability has positioned itself as a fundamental axis, an area in which PUCP stands out. The recent 2022 Environmental Sustainability Report reveals the impact of this institution on the generation of relevant knowledge both nationally and internationally.

In an interesting and enlightening conversation, Dr. Silvana Vargas, director of the Academic Office of Social Responsibility (DARS), delved into the importance of this report in the field of environmental sustainability research and the challenges it faces. This document is notable for systematizing, for the first time, a diversity of student initiatives, courses and research to provide an integrated vision of the University's efforts in this field.

Vargas highlighted the collaboration with the Research Vice-president's Office (VRI) in gathering information. This strategic alliance allows for efficient and targeted data collection, integrating the efforts of the different academic units.

How can the report's findings be used to stimulate further research into environmental sustainability?

First, the report organizes information from groups, projects, publications, and initiatives and effectively communicates progress to the community. In addition, having all this information in one place helps to collaborate and show the work done. We know who is doing what. It also promotes the creation of strategic alliances and recognition mechanisms in the field of research, fundamental aspects for the development and dissemination of knowledge. In that sense, it allows other allies to see that there is work going on at PUCP in this line, and they can join forces.

PUCP's research on environmental sustainability has the potential to influence public policies and civil society."

Dr. Silvana Vargas

Head of the DARS

What is the most significant impact of this research – environmental sustainability integration?

The most important impact lies in the visibility of our actions. The University does a lot of research and has a variety of initiatives and projects. However, we face a significant dispersion challenge that limits our ability to make a deeper impact, not only in academia, but also among those in key decision-making positions. Thus, I believe that the most positive impact of our efforts lies in the ability to make these elements visible and connected, but, above all, in articulating what we have, what we are developing and how we can build bridges that allow us to amplify our impact, both internally and externally.

What is the greatest challenge for PUCP to maintain its leadership in research on environmental sustainability issues?

The main challenge for PUCP is the definition and prioritization of a strategic agenda in this field. This includes addressing the dispersion caused by the diversity of initiatives and projects, and the diversification of funds. Establishing a prioritized agenda will help organize, articulate, and strengthen current research, and align it with global and national objectives.

Another interesting challenge is to integrate environmental sustainability research more closely with academic education. There is an interdependence between education and research. Research findings should be reflected in students' education and vice versa. Everything that is being researched should have a correlation to how we educate our students in the field of environmental sustainability. And, in turn, the way we educate and the gaps we find in education should feed the research agenda. This synergy between research and teaching is crucial to strengthen both aspects, and is part of the University's strategic axes in relation to environmental sustainability.

In your opinion, how can this research on environmental sustainability have an impact on public policy issues and civil society in general?

PUCP's research on environmental sustainability has the potential to influence public policies and civil society. One of the key benefits of these studies is their ability to increase visibility, organize information, articulate ideas, and build alliances. This, in turn, makes it easier to interact with the public policy arena. The challenge, however, is to translate technical findings into a language that is more accessible to decision-makers, who often have to make decisions quickly. This aspect underscores the importance of social impact research, which seeks to make the results of environmental sustainability understandable to different audiences, thus increasing its influence on the formulation of public policies. PUCP continues to strengthen its leadership in environmental sustainability research which makes a significant difference in both academia and society at large.

Go to the following link to access the 2022 Environmental Sustainability Report.


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